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How to Cleanse Lungs after Quitting Smoking!

Cigarettes are made by using tobacco leaves that contain nicotine and other injurious compounds. When a smoker burns a cigarette, it releases thousands of dangerous chemicals including poisonous gases like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, more than 40 of which are known to cause cancer. When a person smokes a cigarette the toxins and toxic gases pass into the lungs from where they spread to every organ of our body causing a significant damage. Other forms of tobacco consumption like chewing tobacco, pipes and even snuff is equally dangerous. Smoking leads to heart attack, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, and cancer.

Below are the few ways to detox lungs naturally of the harmful tar and mucus causing pollutants.

Hot Bath – You can add few drops of the eucalyptus oil to warm water and take shower for at least 15-20 mins. The steam inhaled during the bath would purify the lungs naturally by softening the accumulated tar and mucus. This would also be beneficial in sinus, chest congestion and bronchitis problems.

Hot Bath


Go outside – During low pollution hours i.e. when the Air Quality Index is good, one should go out in a park to get plenty of fresh air in order to keep the lungs healthy. Long breathing exercise like Pranayams are extremely effective in flushing out harmful impurities from the lungs and increase the strength of lungs for healthy breathing.-You can add few drops of the eucalyptus oil to warm water and take shower for at least 15-20 mins. The steam inhaled during the bath would purify the lungs naturally by softening the accumulated tar and mucus. This would also be beneficial in sinus, chest congestion and bronchitis problems.

Go outside


Exercise and Sports – Sport likes swimming play a major role to strengthen lungs as during the activity we become physically active and thus our heart and lungs work hard to maintain the supply of oxygen thus making them stronger. Exercises like walking, jumping and running also improve the lungs health, increase the lung capacity and make lung function more efficient.

Exercise and Sports


Warm Fluids – Drinking plenty of water in general is beneficial for lung health as it regulates the Kapha dosha of the body. It also helps in melting of consolidated mucus to clear the air pathways; this helps the lungs to function optimally and regulates breathing.

Warm fluids

Diet – It is a no brainer that diet plays an important part in detoxifying lungs from impurities. Some of the foods especially the ones possessing anti-inflammatory properties like amla, berries, green leafy vegetables, beetroot, garlic etc. are beneficial for the smokers and ex-smokers. However, one should avoid processed foods, fast foods, dairy products and added sugar stuff that slow down the process of lung cleansing.


Avoid Places of Pollution – Steer away from pollution or places of high congestion to avoid unnecessary load over the lungs, this can be done by checking the AQI (Air quality index) online for respective areas. At home one can use air-purifiers that refresh the stale air that helps to avoid chances of any respiratory diseases. Air purifiers also help to eliminate indoor pollutants, air chemicals and unpleasant odor that reduces the stress on lungs and enables healthy lung functions.

Fasting – Research has shown that fasting has positive effects on patients suffering from asthma. It has been observed that fasting increases lungs volume and improves pulmonary lung’s function. For smokers or ex-smokers fasting once a month will highly accelerate their journey towards lungs cleansing or detox.


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